With this knowledge you’ll be able to:

  • Be a professional Android app developer
  • Design and Architect Mobile apps
  • Build full stack apps


  • Computer/Laptop with at least 8 GB of Ram

  • Computer/Laptop with at least Intel i5

  • Computer/Laptop with at least 100GB of storage left.

  • Good Internet Connection


Our Android Application Development Course with Flutter Framework is designed to help you learn the skills to become a successful mobile app developer. Flutter is a popular open-source mobile application development framework that allows developers to create high-quality native apps for both Android and iOS platforms with a single codebase. But in this course, we are specifically going to focus on the Android part.

During this course, you will learn the basics of the Flutter framework, its architecture, and its widgets. You will also learn how to create responsive and beautiful user interfaces, manage state, and handle user input. The course will also cover topics such as API integration, data storage, and working with third-party libraries.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge necessary to build your own Android applications using the Flutter framework. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this course is perfect for anyone looking to expand their skills and become a successful Android app developer.


13 Chapters · 86 Lessons · 0 1812 3929 1677 3074 1262 2036 2028 9377 3119 1208 3467 1005
  • Chapter 00: Welcome to Learnio

    • C0.01: What is Learnio?

    • C0.02: Setting goals

    • C0.03: Join our Community

    • C0.04: How it works: Assignments

    • C0.05: How it works: Quiz

  • Chapter 01 - Introduction and Environment Setup

    • C1.01 - Course introduction

    • C1.02 - Getting started with the development process

    • C1.03 - Environment setup part 1 - install Flutter SDK

    • C1.04 - Environment setup part 2 - install Android Studio

    • C1.05 - Environment setup part 3 - install Android Emulator

    • C1.06 - Environment setup part 4 - install Xcode and Command Line Tools (Mac)

    • C1.07 - Prepare Android Studio for development

  • Chapter 02 - Programming Basics

    • C2.01 - Learn how to use variables

    • C2.02 - How to write functions

    • C2.03 - Using loops in your program

    • C2.04 - Use conditions to show different results

    • C2.05 - Classes and objects

    • C2.06 - Object Oriented Programming part 1 - Abstraction

    • C2.07 - Object Oriented Programming part 2 - Inheritance

    • C2.08 - Object Oriented Programming part 3 - Encapsulation

    • C2.09 - Object Oriented Programming part 4 - Polymorphism

  • Chapter 03 - Basics (Color Changing App)

    • C3.01 - Create your first Flutter project

    • C3.02 - Understanding the default app

    • C3.03 - Create a stateless widget

    • C3.04 - Convert a stateless to a stateful widget

    • C3.05 - Use of material button

    • C3.06 - Convert a widget into a button

    • C3.07 - Use a function to extract the logic

  • Chapter 04 - Use of external assets in your app (Resume Page App)

    • C4.01 - What is Pubspec.yaml

    • C4.02 - Import external images into your app

    • C4.03 - Import external fonts into your app

    • C4.04 - Single-page resume app part 1 - Using themes

    • C4.05 - Single-page resume app part 2 - Column widget, text widget, and circle avatar

    • C4.06 - Single-page resume app part 3 - Finishing touches

  • Chapter 05 - Prepare your app to build for Android phones

    • C5.01 - Overview of the Android folder

    • C5.02 - Android Gradle

    • C5.03 - Project build.gradle and app build.gradle

    • C5.04 - Understanding Android Manifest

    • C5.05 - Add different user permissions to the Android manifest

    • C5.06 - Generate a release APK file for your Android device

  • Chapter 06 - Using a proper state-management technique

    • C6.01 - Overview of pub.dev

    • C6.02 - How to add a third-party package to your app

    • C6.03 - Add an app icon and splash screen

    • C6.04 - State-management part 1 - Using notify changes

    • C6.05 - State-management part 2 - Using the consumer

  • Chapter 07 - Implementing state-management with Architecture

    • C7.01 - Getting started with an architecture pattern

    • C7.02 - Overview of Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)

    • C7.03 - Create View and ViewModel classes with Provider ChangeNotifier

    • C7.04 - Add external packages and folder structure

  • Chapter 08 - Using REST API to create a wallpaper application

    • C8.01 - Getting started with REST API

    • C8.02 - Overview of Unsplash’s API

    • C8.03 - Initial setup of the app

    • C8.04 - Convert JSON to dart and create a model file

    • C8.05 - Async and Futures in Flutter

    • C8.06 - Use service classes to fetch wallpaper part - 1

    • C8.07 - Use service classes to fetch wallpaper part - 2

    • C8.08 - Add theme data

    • C8.09 - Add a tab bar to the homepage

    • C8.10 - Using GridView, show the preview of wallpapers part - 1

    • C8.11 - Using GridView, show the preview of wallpapers part - 2

    • C8.12 - Using GridView, show the preview of wallpapers part - 3

    • C8.13 - Create wallpaper details page part - 1

    • C8.14 - Create wallpaper details page part - 2

    • C8.15 - Create wallpaper details page part - 3

    • C8.17 - Create a wallpaper preview page

    • C8.16 - Open wallpapers externally to save or download them

    • C8.18 - Finishing touches

  • Chapter 09 - Storing data inside the app (To-do app)

    • C9.01 - Overview of Shared Preferences

    • C9.02 - Create a page to add to-do lists part -1

    • C9.03 - Create a page to add to-do lists part -2

    • C9.04 - Store to-do tasks in Shared Preferences

    • C9.05 - Create a ListView to fetch data from Shared Preferences part - 1

    • C9.06 - Create a ListView to fetch data from Shared Preferences part - 2

  • Chapter 10 - Git and GitHub

    • C10.01 - What are Git and Github?

    • C10.02 - Create a GitHub account

    • C10.03 - Overview of Github

    • C10.04 - Create a repository in Github

    • C10.05 - Push Taskly to the GitHub repository

  • Chapter 11 - Introduction to Firebase

    • C11.01 - Set up Firebase console for Android app

    • C11.02 - Add all the necessary packages

    • C11.03 - Create collections and documents inside Firestore

    • C11.04 - Write queries to fetch data from Firestore

    • C11.05 - Send added tasks to Firestore

    • C11.06 - Authentication process using Firebase Auth - Email and password

  • Chapter 12 - Deployment

    • C12.01 - Prepare the project for release

    • C12.02 - Overview of how to release your app on Play Store