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  • 38 Unique Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Community Support
  • Feedback from Mentor
  • Lifetime Access
  • Mobile Friendly Content
  • Certificate

With this knowledge you’ll be able to:

  • Create pages with HTMl and CSS
  • Do Basic Freelance Web Development


  • A computer with stable internet connection
  • Knowledge of basic computer usages
  • Knowledge of how to use the internet


Are you a beginner looking forward to learning how to create websites? Do you want to learn something easy, yet highly demanded in the digital freelance marketplace? Then this is the perfect program for you. We will guide you through the entire process so that you get used to the world of web development and then we will teach you how to become a professional Front-End Developer with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc.


9 Chapters · 38 Lessons · 0 820 6495 4688 0 4369 4323 3497 0
  • Chapter 00: Learnio

    • C0.01: Welcome to your learning journey!

    • C0.02: What is Learnio?

    • C0.03: Setting goals

    • C0.04: Join our Community

    • C0.05: How it works: Assignments

    • C0.06: How it works: Quiz

  • Chapter 01: Introduction

    • Intro

    • Lesson 2 : How to get the most out of this course

    • Lesson 3 : Let's get the setup done

  • Chapter 02: HTML Basics

    • Lesson 1 : The document structure and doctype

    • Lesson 2 : What are HTML tags ?

    • Lesson 3 : Tags for handling text

    • Lesson 4 : HTML Lists

    • Lesson 5 : Link tags

    • Lesson 6 : HTML Tables

    • Lesson 7 : Image tags

    • Lesson 8 : Conventional and Layout HTML tags

  • Chapter 03: Advance HTML

    • Lesson 1 : Form tags

    • Lesson 2 : What is Semantic HTML

    • Lesson 3 : Semantic tags (header, footer, section, article)

    • Lesson 4 : Semantic tags (aside, main, time)

    • Lesson 5 : HTML5 video/audio

    • Lesson 6 : HTML meta tags

    • Lesson 7 : HTML special characters

  • Chapter 04: Creating a full website structure in HTML

    • Create a small website structure where you will display information about yourself

  • Chapter 05: Fundamentals of CSS

    • Lesson 1 : What is CSS and how CSS works

    • Lesson 2 : Ways to select an element to style

    • Lesson 3 : Font and Text styling

    • Lesson 4 : The Box Model

    • Lesson 5 : Changing colors and backgrounds

  • Chapter 06: Advance CSS

    • Lesson 1 : CSS layout properties

    • Lesson 2 : Advance CSS properties

    • Lesson 3 : Pseudo Properties

    • Lesson 4 : Transitions and Transform

  • Chapter 07: Responsive Design

    • Lesson 1 : CSS Flexbox and it’s uses

    • Lesson 2 : Media Queries and Breakpoints

    • Lesson 3 : Making grids with Flexbox to create a full website layout

  • Chapter 08: Lets Style our HTML website structure

    • Style the website structure that you build in the previous (Chapter 4) assignment