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  • 66 Unique Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
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  • Mobile Friendly Content
  • Certificate

With this knowledge you’ll be able to:

  • Use Advance CSS for your projects
  • Make your web pages responsive
  • Use Bootstrap 4
  • Use JavaScript
  • Add version control to your websites
  • Use NPM and Node Js


  • A computer with stable internet connection
  • Knowledge of basic computer usages
  • Knowledge of how to use the internet


Are you a beginner looking forward to learning how to create websites? Do you want to learn something easy, yet highly demanded in the digital freelance marketplace? Then this is the perfect program for you. We will guide you through the entire process so that you get used to the world of web development and then we will teach you how to become a professional Front-End Developer with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc.


16 Chapters · 66 Lessons · 0 4823 4342 3939 0 2197 3027 4848 2846 2627 3090 2282 3070 3986 1935 0
  • Chapter 00: Learnio

    • C0.01: Welcome to your learning journey!

    • C0.02: What is Learnio?

    • C0.03: Setting goals

    • C0.04: Join our Community

    • C0.05: How it works: Assignments

    • C0.06: How it works: Quiz

  • Chapter 09: Fundamentals of Bootstrap 5

    • Lesson 1 : What is Bootstrap why to use it

    • Lesson 2 : How to setup Bootstrap for a project

    • Lesson 3 : The Bootstrap Grid

    • Lesson 4 : Breakpoints

    • Lesson 5 : Rows and Columns

    • Lesson 6 : Bootstrap Components and Elements

  • Chapter 10: Advance Bootstrap 5

    • Lesson 1 : Bootstrap Utilities

    • Lesson 2 : Forms

    • Lesson 3 : Helpers

  • Chapter 11: Dart SASS

    • Lesson 1 : What is SASS and how to use it

    • Lesson 2 : Variables

    • Lesson 3 : Nesting

    • Lesson 4 : Modules

    • Lesson 5 : Operators

    • Lesson 6 : Mixins

  • Chapter 12: Lets create a Responsive Landing with Bootstrap and SASS

    • ReCreate the Assignment Website

  • Chapter 13 : Fundamentals of JavaScript and JS syntax

    • Lesson 1 : Introduction to JavaScript

    • Lesson 2 : Let's write some JavaScript code

    • Lesson 3 : JavaScript Variables

    • Lesson 4 : Arrays in JavaScript

  • Chapter 14 : Conditionals, Data Types and Operators

    • Lesson 1 : Data types in JavaScript and Truthy/Falsy Values

    • Lesson 2 : Operators in JavaScript

    • Lesson 3 : if/else and switch statements

  • Chapter 15 : Functions, Loops, Methods of Data Types

    • Lesson 1 : The LOOPS and how to use it to write less code

    • Lesson 2 : Data Type Methods

    • Lesson 3 : Functions, Function Expressions and IIFE

    • Lesson 4 : Using Function as parameters and return values and the Scope chain

    • Lesson 5 : Closures

  • Chapter 16 : Asynchronous and Advance JavaScript

    • Lesson 1 : What is Asynchronous JavaScript and Promises

    • Lesson 2 : An Example of Asynchronous JavaScript

    • Lesson 3 : Async-Await, API and Ajax

    • Lesson 4 : Making AJAX Calls with Fetch and Async-Await

    • Assignment : Create and tip calculator with the rules from below

  • Chapter 17 : Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript

    • Lesson 1 : Introduction to OOP

    • Lesson 2 : Objects in JavaScript

    • Lesson 3 : Creating Objects Function Constructors

    • Lesson 4 : The “this” keyword

  • Chapter 18 : ES6 and Modern JavaScript

    • Lesson 1 : What's new in ES6 JavaScript?

    • Lesson 2 : Arrow Functions and Default parameters

    • Lesson 3 : Arrays in ES6 and Map method and the Rest Parametre

    • Lesson 4 : Destructuring

    • Lesson 5 : Classes and Subclasses

  • Chapter 19 : Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulation with JavaScript

    • Lesson 1 : What is DOM and how does it work?

    • Lesson 2 : Manipulating the DOM for the first time

    • Lesson 3 : How to select DOM elements in different ways

    • Lesson 4 : Changing styles of elements with DOM Manipulation

  • Chapter 20 : The missing pieces of DOM and handling Events

    • Lesson 1 : Handling Events

    • Lesson 2 : Special Methods for elements while manipulating the DOM

    • Lesson 3 : Good practices while handling events

    • Assignment : Create a small ludo game with JavaScript

  • Chapter 21 : Version Control and the Terminal

    • Lesson 1 : Introduction to the terminal and CMD

    • Lesson 2 : Basic commands

    • Lesson 3 : What is version control

    • Lesson 4 : Git and Github

    • Lesson 5 : How to use Github fully

  • Chapter 22 : Introduction to Node JS and NPM

    • Lesson 1 : What is Node JS and NPM

    • Lesson 2 : Setuping Node JS

    • Lesson 3 : Basic package install and packages.json file uses

    • Lesson 4 : Why you need Node JS to learn modern JS development

  • Conclusion

    • One Last Step : Verification