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  • 75 Unique Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
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  • Lifetime Access
  • Mobile Friendly Content
  • Certificate

With this knowledge you’ll be able to:

  • Use React JS
  • Create Real World Applications
  • Use Different npm packages
  • Use many diffrent CSS libraries


  • A computer with stable internet connection
  • Knowledge of basic computer usages
  • Knowledge of how to use the internet


Are you a beginner looking forward to learning how to create websites? Do you want to learn something easy, yet highly demanded in the digital freelance marketplace? Then this is the perfect program for you. We will guide you through the entire process so that you get used to the world of web development and then we will teach you how to become a professional Front-End Developer with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc.


12 Chapters · 75 Lessons · 0 3229 3325 4539 3095 4392 5503 2113 11540 7533 19426 0
  • Chapter 00: Learnio

    • C0.01: Welcome to your learning journey!

    • C0.02: What is Learnio?

    • C0.03: Setting goals

    • C0.04: Join our Community

    • C0.05: How it works: Assignments

    • C0.06: How it works: Quiz

  • Chapter 23: Fundamentals of React

    • Lesson 1 : What are JavaScript libraries and why you should learn React

    • Lesson 2 : Environment setup and Create-React-App

    • Lesson 3 : Understanding the files and the architecture of components

    • Lesson 4 : Class Vs Functional Components

    • Lesson 5 : Nested components

  • Chapter 24: JSX, Props and Lists

    • Lesson 1 : What is JSX and why it is important

    • Lesson 2 : How to write Raw JavaScript and CSS in a JSX file

    • Lesson 3 : What is props and how to use it

    • Lesson 4 : Prop Drilling and Props Destructuring

    • Assignment: Create a small React web application with more than 5 sections

    • Lesson 5 : Lists in React and .map method and the spread operator

  • Chapter 25: Advance React Topics

    • Lesson 1 : State management

    • Lesson 2 : Component lifecycle methods

    • Lesson 3 : Styled Components

    • Lesson 4 : Module based CSS in a Component

    • Lesson 5 : Conditional Rendering

    • Lesson 6 : PropTypes

  • Chapter 26: Basic React Hooks and Router

    • Lesson 1 : Why React Hooks?

    • Lesson 2 : useState

    • Lesson 3 : General rule of hooks

    • Lesson 4 : useEffect and Short-Circuit Evaluation

    • Lesson 5 : React Router and how to use in a real web application

  • Chapter 27: Advance React Hooks

    • Lesson 1 : useMemo

    • Lesson 2 : useRef

    • Lesson 3 : useReducer

    • Lesson 4 : useContext and Context API

    • Lesson 5 : useCallback

  • Chapter 28: Forms, API’s, External UI Libraries and Custom React Hooks

    • Lesson 1 : Handling forms with controlled input

    • Lesson 2 : Handling forms with useRef

    • Lesson 3 : Fetching Data From an API

    • Lesson 4 : Using Axios to get data from an API

    • Lesson 5 : Creating a custom React hook that fetches data from an API url

    • Lesson 6 : What are external libraries and why you should use them

    • Lesson 7 : Using tailwind CSS to create a small tours list application

  • Chapter 29: Project - A Markdown Blog

    • Lesson 1 : Project Development

  • Chapter 30: Project - An app that finds github users using the Github API

    • Lesson 1 : Project Development

    • Lesson 2 : Project Development

    • Lesson 3 : Project Development

    • Lesson 4 : Project Development

    • Lesson 5 : Project Development

    • Lesson 6 : Project Development

    • Lesson 7 : Project Development

    • Lesson 8 : Project Development

    • Lesson 9 : Project Development

    • Lesson 10 : Project Development

  • Chapter 31: Project - A blog website where all blog data is being pulled from an API

    • Lesson 1 : Project Development

    • Lesson 2 : Project Development

    • Lesson 3 : Project Development

    • Lesson 4 : Project Development

    • Lesson 5 : Project Development

    • Lesson 6 : Project Development

    • Lesson 7 : Project Development

    • Lesson 8 : Project Development

  • Chapter 32: Project - An Ecommerce Project using Material UI

    • Lesson 1 : Project Development

    • Lesson 2 : Project Development

    • Lesson 3 : Project Development

    • Lesson 4 : Project Development

    • Lesson 5 : Project Development

    • Lesson 6 : Project Development

    • Lesson 7 : Project Development

    • Lesson 8 : Project Development

    • Lesson 9 : Project Development

    • Lesson 10 : Project Development

    • Lesson 11 : Project Development

    • Lesson 12 : Project Development

    • Lesson 13 : Project Development

    • Lesson 14 : Project Development

    • Lesson 15 : Project Development

  • Chapter 33: Final Course Assignment

    • Assignment: Create your own brand new portfolio website from scratch using the topics of the whole course and share it.