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Anik Hossain
Anik is a top rated freelancer on Upwork with over 8 years of experience and has successfully worked with more than 150 clients from 20 countries all over the world. He is experienced in Wordpress, Graphic Design, Front-End Web Development, Digital Marketing, and Video Editing. He is an E-learning manager and an online mentor in Coderstrust Global. Under his guidance, the Coderstrust students have obtained skills and secured jobs from Upwork and Fiverr with many earning over $500 per month.


Graphic Design is currently one of the most highly demanded skills in the freelancing marketplace. In this course, we will teach you how to use Adobe Photoshop to create a resume that will woo your clients and will help you get freelancing jobs easily.

This is a great course to try out if you are interested in learning more about Graphic Design and Photoshop. It is taken from the "Intro to Graphic Design with Photoshop" course.

Course Curriculum

Estimated time of completion: 1 week

  • 1

    Welcome to Coderstrust

    • C0.01: Welcome to your learning journey!

    • C0.02: What is Coderstrust?

    • C0.03: Coderstrust & You

    • C0.04: Setting goals

    • C0.05: Join our Community

  • 2

    Design Your Resume

    • 1. Introduction to Resume Design

    • 2. Setting up the layout

    • 3. Designing the Resume - Part 1

    • 4. Designing the Resume - Part 2

    • 5. Refining the design

    • 6. A bit more complex design

    • Assignment: Design your resume

    • Upload your assignment: fill in the form and click Submit.

    • One Last Step: Verification

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